About Us


Darryn Bowden and Scott Burgess are keen outdoor adventures and particularly love fishing. It was whilst they were out fishing that Scott suggested they start filming their fishing adventures and posting them to Youtube. So, they did. And that’s how Adventure Primal began.

A Few Words About

After many hours in the sun, Darryn started looking for a sun shirt that was comfortable and cool to wear, as the standard store brought fishing shirts were hot and uncomfortable and most importantly, they didn’t stretch. This is important with physical activities. He also want something that gave more UV protection around the neck area. This is usually achievable with the use of a neck gaiter (tube) but that item can be forgotten. He then thought that a shirt that incorporated a neck gaiter would be perfect. So he began looking for this type of shirt but there weren’t any available.

After much research, testing of material and designing; a shirt was made.

We at Adventure Primal want to make comfortable and practical outdoor adventure items available to you. Hence why this website was made. We will continue to find comfortable and useful outdoor items for you.

Meet The Team

Darryn Bowden


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